Working on a skills audit is a great way to establish what skills you have and what your level of expertise is for each of the skills. It will also help you highlight any gaps you may have, giving you the opportunity to find new ways to improve and develop areas of weakness.
Undertaking a skills audit you will allow you to clearly see where your strengths are which is a huge benefit during the job search process, and may also help you identify which companies, or types of companies, are the best fit for you.

To undertake a successful skills audit, follow our steps.
1. Make a list of your skills
Write down a comprehensive list of skills you have gained from work experience, education and any personal experiences. It may help to think about specific projects you have carried out or achievements you gave gained as a result of your work.
2. Rate your expertise for each of the skills
On a scale of one (being low) and ten (being high) evaluate how experienced you are with each skill. It is important to be honest with yourself – choose a rating based on what you actually are rather than what you would like to be – as this will help you identify any areas for improvement.
3. Write a list of jobs you would like to have
No matter how ambitious these may be, it’s important to know which direction you would like to take your career in.
4. Identify the skills required to do those jobs
You could use sites such as LinkedIn or Glassdoor to find job descriptions and identify what the requirements are to be successful in these roles.
5. Spot any gaps between the skills you have, and the skills required to do your dream job
Again, it is important to be honest with yourself as lying to a prospective employer could mean that their expectations of you are higher than what you can deliver, inevitably leading to disappointment.
6. Look at what you need to do to develop the skills
Do you need to undertake a training course or extra qualification to be eligible? It might be that you need experience within a more junior level position in order to work your way up the ladder to your dream job. Be flexible and open, as it will be worth it in the long run.
7. Set yourself deadlines
Being strict with yourself on when you would like to have achieved certain things will help you stay on course to attain your dream job, and ensure that your skills improve.
8. Add these details to your plan, put the plan somewhere visible and get started!
Keeping the plan visible, either above a desk or on the fridge, will help you stay motivated.
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