After years of little success, Fraser turned to CK Group to help him secure his dream job with a global pharmaceutical company.
We invited him to talk about his recruitment journey and where he is now, all thanks to CK consultant Natasha Young.

How did you first come into contact with CK Group?
I created a CK+ profile late in 2021, and left my CV on file with them (possibly the best thing I have done over the last few years).
One morning during this period, I received a phone call from Natasha Young after she had come across my details in the database. She introduced herself and said there was a role I may be interested in with a multinational pharmaceutical company. Without this phone call and her matching my details, I never would have known this role existed.
Can you describe your recruitment journey with Natasha?
As the role was with an incredibly big pharmaceutical company, I was skeptical I would even get to the interview stage, but Natasha gave me the confidence to apply. She also advised on a couple of tweaks to my CV to give me a better chance.
She then passed on my application, and within a few days I received a call to say I had been selected for interview. I was over the moon, as this was a dream job for me.
With the interview fast approaching, Natasha picked up on my nerves and kept in touch to see how things were going – this seems to be the CK way. She talked me through the interview process that previous candidates had experienced, as well as possible questions that could be asked. This was extremely helpful and calmed my nerves both before and during the interview, which seemed to go well.
Soon after this, I was offered the position, and without her help I doubt I would have achieved this success.
How have things been since then?
I have been in my role for several months now, and the superb service hasn’t stopped. I speak with Natasha on a weekly basis to iron out any problems I may have at work. For me to know I have her there to help has made things so much easier.
How did you find working with CK Group? And would you recommend our services?
CK Group, for me, have delivered on every level. The reason I make this statement is because, from my dealings with them, they have been excellent. They are professional, knowledgeable, easy speak to, and sorting out problems that may occur seems to come naturally to them.
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