Are you stuck in a rut in your pharmaceutical job? Would you like to be more engaged and productive in your role? Well with the right attitude, you can!

Here are a few tips to help improve your workplace happiness.
Get into a routine of planning each day as this will ensure that you use your time productively. Write a to-do list for the day and order each task according to its priority. Once you have completed one task – tick it off your list – you’ll find this will be a great motivator.
Take a break
Taking a break will improve your productivity in the workplace.
Enjoy your commute
Try to enjoy your journey to work – use it in a positive way. Use it for relaxing or preparing for the day ahead by reading, listening or writing. By having an enjoyable commute into work, you will arrive at work in a positive frame of mind.
Pace yourself
Do one thing at a time, and take your time doing it. There is absolutely no point in rushing through things and not completing them to the best of your ability.
Share your success
Make sure that you get credit for all the hard work you do. It is vital that you let the right people know that you are a key contributor to the success of the business.
Be open to change and give it a chance. It is crucial that you adapt and embrace new things in the workplace whilst using your experience to guide you.
Try to delegate the unimportant tasks thus ensuring that you are using your time in the most productive way possible.
Ask for feedback
If you are unsure whether you have done a good job on a task – proactively seek feedback.
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