It’s important to know how to combat stress at work, so you avoid burnout and keep performing at your best. Try our top tips.

Try to start your day off well
Mornings can often be a stressful time, what with getting the kids fed and off to school then battling through the rush hour traffic. If you are not careful you will often start your day feeling stressed. To tackle this, make a sustained effort to start your day with a nutritious breakfast and a positive attitude.
Be clear about your objectives/requirements at work
If you are unsure about what is expected of you in your pharmaceutical job, you may find yourself feeling more stressed out than necessary. Take a moment to talk to your supervisor about your objectives and try to come up with some strategies to help you achieve them.
Avoid conflict
Conflict at work can be difficult to deal with, and can lead to stressful situations. The best option in this situation is to avoid unnecessary conflict.
Get organised
Planning ahead and getting rid of unnecessary clutter can greatly reduce your stress levels in the workplace. Organise your time – this will mean you won’t be rushing into work late in the mornings and leaving at some unsavoury hour in the evening.
Eat lunch
Take time out to eat a healthy lunch away from your desk at lunchtime.
Stretch your legs at lunch
Sitting in one place for the entire day is not good for the body or the mind. Taking a walk at lunch will help you manage your stress levels, lift your mood and get into better shape.
Be realistic
Be sure not to commit yourself to too many different tasks at the same time. By doing this you are setting yourself up for failure and thus increasing those stress levels. Learn how to say no (politely) when you have too much work on your plate.
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