Are you sitting around debating whether you’ve done enough to secure the role? There are few situations more nerve-racking than waiting to hear back about a job offer.

Here are 14 signs your interview went better than you might think:
- Your interview lasts longer than scheduled.
- You are shown around the building.
- You are introduced to other team members.
- The interviewer asks you about your availability.
- The interviewer asks you about your salary expectations.
- The interviewer asks you to return for another round of interviews.
- The interviewer takes time to answer your questions in full.
- You are given a clear timeline of when a decision will be made.
- The interviewer spends time trying to sell the advantages of the position to you.
- You hear from your references that the interviewer has contacted them.
- The interviewer demonstrates positive body language – e.g. smiling, good eye contact and nodding.
- The interviewer gives you clues about their professional and personal lives.
- Your interview covers topics beyond the science job description.
- The interviewer reveals their frustration with the previous job holder.
So what happens now? It is always a good idea to follow up with an employer after an interview, to show that you are passionate about the position and appreciative of the time they have dedicated to your application. Sending an email or a letter expressing this will remind the employer to stay in contact with you and demonstrate that you are a high-quality candidate likely to perform well in the position.